Orders will be processed and shipped within 5-7 business days. You will receive an email confirmation once the order is received, as well as an email with tracking information once the shipment is sent.
Returns / Exchanges must be within 30 days of receiving your order.
To return an item, please fill the required information on our contact page including your name, email address, order number and reason for the return. Once that information is submitted, we will email you a shipping label for your return. Once we receive the item, we will review the order and issue a refund.
To exchange an item, please place a new order for the correct item. Once the new order is placed, please go to our contact page and fill out the required information including your name, email address, order number and the reason for the exchange. Once that information is submitted, we will email you a return shipping label for your exchange. Once we receive the original item, we will review the order and issue a refund.